Gabriel's updates from Germany!

Here are some of my updates. Will update the rest when i get them sorted out. Cheers!


Eric's update from Germany.

Updates from Eric. From Germany with Love :)

*sorry for the small pictures, i made a mistake.

Celtic Tattoo Pictures

Irish Pride Flag colored Celtic shamrock by Captain Bret
Custom Celtic & Tribal Fusion Tattoo by Captain Bret
Scottish Thistle & Celtic Trinity Knot with Tribal Background by Captain Bret
Celtic Butterfly
LARGE Celtic weave armband with gothic cross
Custom Firemans Cross Tattoo by Captain Bret
Custom Celtic & Tribal Tattoo by Captain Bret

Mystic Tattoo

On Friday I stopped in at Mystic Tattoo on Cicero near Belmont to snap some pics for Loki and the shop. Loki heads up the piercing department at the shop and just finished a corset piece on Paulina. He asked if I would document the aftermath..... this is what I transpired.

Cindy's updates from Gimmelove1 @ 40b Sago Street

Here are a couple of in progress pieces done by cindy! More to come i promise! To book an appointment with Cindy, pls contact her at +65-91395515 or!


Sean's updates from GimmeLove1@40b Sago street

Amazing stuff by Sean once constantly blown away by his work every single time...such an inspiration to everybody...If you guys are thinking of getting some colour realistic works done, pls look no further as Sean is the right guy for ya! Contact him at +65-84844838 or
