I am going to assume that you already know the general area which you would like your tribal shoulder tattoo. I will also go ahead and guess that you have searched all over the place for quality designs, only to be disappointed with what you have found. I know this, because I did it myself. The good news is that you can bypass all of the crud out there and find the hidden places with original artwork online. Remember, you do not have to settle for a Google search, or some generic, cookie-cutter website with tattoos to find your ultimate tribal shoulder tattoo art.
All of these places have designs and tattoos that have been spread all over the internet already. Most of these places also have artwork that is over five years old. Who knows how many people already have those tribals and designs inked on their shoulders and back already? Now, on to the part where you can bypass all of that while you search for a quality tribal shoulder tattoo...
It all starts with internet forums. You would not believe the amount of good information you can find at a forum. Remember, people love to brag to others when they find a hidden treasure, like a websites with tattoos, or in this case and place with tons of quality tribal shoulder tattoo designs. There is no better place for these folks to share the wealth than by using a forum and you can reap the benefits. Most of the top notch places don't come up in Google searches or such, and forums are your way to find out what others have searched for and found already.