Hey Guys, i guess i shall get out of my cave and start posting some of my finished pieces,the first one is the backpiece on Dennis, who really went through the whole ordeal like a real man!!no emla!and following up is an enhancement on an exsisting tattoo, a thai sak yant. I didnt really wanna cover it up, lest something unfortunate might come onto me( fingercrossed), so did some shine around it, with a buddha hand in a tibetan tantric dagger cup,with blood too! The subsequent 2 pieces was done during my trip to Japan last month, the skull was finished in the Straight Life Tattoo convention in Osaka,met a lot of superb artists, really a great experience for me. And the Foo dog was done in Tattoo Studio Desperado... erm, I guess thats all. call me if you are interested to get tattoo by Artists of Gimmelove.~!!