Our new talented, Yin's updates! News from 69a Dunlop St .

This is done by Yin who has just joined us a few week ago. Looking at his recently done up pieces, it shows that our new member, Yin is very talented and versatile. Lets welcome Yin. He will be working in 69a Dunlop Street if any of you guys wanna get some work done by him.

Look at the smooth shading, simply awesome!!!

and after the tattoo healed, his customer came back for some photographs. Look at it! Simply amazing!!!

and here comes another in progress tattoo by Yin also. A flower to cover some old tattoos. Its nice and beautifully done. Check back more often for more of his updates. Kudos to Yin!! Keep it up.


We would also like to inform that,

Escarlata Juney

is dismissed by Gimmelovetattoo
with immediate effect from today, 5th Oct 2010.
She is no longer part of Gimmelovetattoo due to a breach in trust.

Gimmelovetattoo is not affected by this issue and we are still operating as per normal. Customers with in-progress work done by her , please kindly call or drop by Gimmelovetattoo 2 @ Dunlop Street. We will have someone arranged to finish up the tattoo.

Wishing all, a great week ahead!