updates from Gimmelove1@Niven

Ultimate tattooing by Shawn and Baldwin!! Leg by Shawn, Sleeve by Baldwin!!

Updates and news from Gimmelove

Kick ass calve piece by my beloved Baldwin Horikawa, Gabriel and him will be attending the Berlin Convention next week.All the best to them!And Lionel is away in Adelaide doing guest spot, having fun with the roos at the same time..Put on your boxing gloves Lionel!

Augustine's update from Gimmelove2@Dunlop

ok, this is a coverup. But I cant seem to find the before pic in my cam. Anyway it was an old piece done somewhere outside an army camp.

Baldwin's update from Gimmelove1 @Niven

Beautiful Dragon Koi done by Baldwin!! Great job.

updates from gimmelove2 @Dunlop

Skully hannya by Gabriel, and Lionel did the 13 for 13 bucks on fri the 13th!! great steal for the clients! and the pair of swallows by Lionel too!


hey peeps, Its time of the year again! this time round our Lionel is throwing a deal of 13 dollars per tattoo. Only subject to the number/digit 13, or a black cat . Kindly call him 97989766 to book your timing slots! Offer end 12midnight before the 14th strikes!

new staff in our family..

First of all. i am sorry for posting non tattoo stuff here, but trust me, this young dude here is going to be a fuckin good one.. i present to you guys BOWIE, ARRIVED TODAY ....So handsome..

updates from gimmelove1 @Niven

coverup of a bad tattoo with chrysanthemum, by Yen, super clean job. The rest of the impressive stuff is done non other by our Baldwin..